The Wood Foundation has appointed a team of six Programme Officers to lead the regional delivery of YPI.
The Programme Officers each manage an assigned regional cohort of schools, working in close partnership to ensure schools have the resources, support, and tools to maximise the impact of the programme for their students and wider communities.
Ali MacLachlan, UK Director at The Wood Foundation, said:
“We are delighted to have appointed this incredible team of professionals who share in our passion for empowering young people to be active citizens through YPI.
“The enhanced level of support that we, as a Foundation, can offer schools through a staff delivery model is a really important part of realising our ambition for YPI to be an embedded, high-quality, impactful programme which is creating sustainable legacy in our partner schools.
“The programme is now 15 years old, and we look forward to the future with continued excitement to evolve and deepen the impact of YPI.”
Meet the team
Rebecca Cheyne, North-east
What has been your most inspiring YPI experience?
“The National Event was a massively inspiring day. The quality, maturity, and passion on the stage was amazing. It has made me very excited about what amazing young people and presentations we will find this year.”
Heather Bowie, East
What is the importance of engaging with partners and charities?
“Partnership working really is at the centre of YPI and the holistic approach of the Curriculum for Excellence. It’s important that we grow those partnerships across Scotland. The more our partners engage in the YPI process the more benefits are felt by both the young people and the partners. It’s not just about funding, it’s about partners helping to develop our young people’s skills for life and in return contributing to a career ready workforce.”
Lynn Raynal, Central
How is YPI important in developing young people’s skills?
“I love the visible impact YPI has on young people’s confidence, and the skills it builds such as leadership, research, resilience, teamwork, self-belief, presentation skills and so many more.”
Gary Taylor, West
What are you looking forward to most in your role?
“I am looking forward to working in close collaboration with schoolteachers and the continuous development of the YPI programme, driving change within the education system and getting the best out of the pupils with engagement and nurturing them to do the best they can.”
Laura Gordon, South-east
What is the potential impact of YPI and the legacy it can create?
“YPI can create a lasting impact on both the young people participating in the programme and the charities that they represent. By empowering young people to take action to address social issues and make positive change in their community, YPI builds confidence and skills that they can take forward into their future learning, life, and work. YPI can also foster long-term meaningful relationships between schools and charities, providing opportunities for young people to continue to engage with the third sector, gaining valuable experiences and continuing to benefit their local community.”
Mark Chambers, South-west
Why is YPI important for developing active citizens?
“YPI gives young people across Scotland the opportunity to identify social issues affecting their communities and empowers them to address it. It allows young people to take charge of their learning and build meaningful relationships with charities that are making a difference. Young people complete YPI knowing they have the skills and abilities to make Scotland a fairer and more compassionate place.”
Steven Dougan, Highlands:
What can YPI bring to a school culture?
“YPI has the opportunity to support school culture by enabling young people to understand their local community better and work together to make a REAL difference to those in need. It also helps create a school ethos of caring for others.”