The Wood Foundation Africa previously partnered with Transmara Sugar Company.

Transmara Sugar Company is the second largest private sugar company in Kenya with a factory capacity of 1.2 million tonnes of sugar cane. It is 100% smallholder-supplied and committed to smallholder expansion and farmer training to maximise yields from existing and new fields.

The Wood Foundation Africa applied its smallholder expertise and investment to increase yields among sugar farmers in Kilgoris and Transmara in Kenya particularly from 2019 to 2022. The lessons learned from this project were shared across the sugarcane industry in Kenya to improve outcomes for smallholder farmers in terms of increased productivity, as well as promoting sustainability, supporting employment and incomes growth, and creating opportunities for rural economic development.

Transmara Sugar in Numbers

2,100 practitioners

6,000 Ha

New sugar cane fields planted

2,100 practitioners


Farmers to be supported