An event to raise aspirations towards, and interest in, STEM was enjoyed by more than 300 people at Arbroath Academy.
The Angus STEM Festival featured shows from Aberdeen and Dundee Science Centres, as well as Generation Science alongside interactive workshops and stalls presented by local colleges, universities and STEM employers.
Organised by Raising Aspirations in Science Education (RAiSE) and Developing the Young Workforce (DYW), the festival also aimed to highlight the science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) career pathways available within Angus.
Jonathon Brown, the RAiSE Primary Science Development Officer, said:
“It was a wonderful day and we were incredibly pleased with the numbers attending and the enthusiasm and participation from the young people and their families.
“These fun, informative sessions really help bring science to life and engage young people.”
Visitors were surveyed, with more than 90% reporting that the festival made them more interested in a future career in STEM and that it had increased their interest in STEM subjects. All of those questioned enjoyed the event.
RAiSE is a four-year pilot to increase the confidence and skills of teachers to teach effective and engaging primary science. More than 40 schools in Angus are engaged in the programme. It is funded and delivered by The Wood Foundation, Education Scotland and participating local authorities.
For more information on the RAiSE programme, please contact gayle.duffus@educationscotland.gsi.gov.uk.