The Wood Foundation Africa acquired the majority shares of the Mulindi Factory Company Ltd (Mulindi) and Shagasha Tea Company Ltd (Shagasha) in 2012.

Our aim is to make this the first smallholder-owned factory in Rwanda and the shares will be transferred once agreed KPIs are met and once the investment has been repaid. This is being supported by building capacity and introducing sustainable systems around market, governance and training.

The factory works with 13,000 smallholder farmers, with incomes increasing four-fold through increased yield, a stronger made tea price, efficiency savings and bonuses paid based on the profitability of the factory.

There are concentrated and robust mechanisms in place to support the development of smallholder farmers in the region to create a sustainable industry with high-quality, marketable produce.

Mulindi & Shagasha in numbers

14 million investment

$10 million investment.

6,000 farmers

The number of smallholder farmers supported.