The Wood Foundation first partnered with the STV Children’s Appeal in 2013 with an initial investment of £450,000 over a three-year period.

Following the success of the Appeal’s work – addressing the stark issue of child poverty in Scotland, through challenging public ideas and perceptions around the issue, looking at alleviating the symptoms, as well as tackling the causes – we have extended our support and will continue to provide £150,000 per annum until 2019.

In total the STV Children’s Appeal has raised £11 million over 5 years and has made 476 big and small awards across all 32 local authority areas, providing much needed support to 59,000 children in Scotland.  Sir Ian Wood is a member of the STV Children’s Appeal Board of Trustees.

For more information on The STV Children’s Appeal go to

Tackling Child Poverty in Scotland


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