Alongside The Wood Foundation’s current education programmes, it also invests in a number of other initiatives focussed upon the development of young people, as well as addressing the root causes and immediate impacts of childhood poverty.
The Wood Foundation manages the following programmes:
North-East Wellbeing (NEW) Fund
The NEW Fund is working in collaboration with four North-east organisations, Aberdeen FC Community Trust, Sport Aberdeen, Russell Anderson Foundation, and Dennis Law Legacy Trust, to address the changing landscape of need in response to Covid-19 and young people’s health and wellbeing.
Each organisation has undergone an intensive programme of service design training. This will influence the development of community-driven pilots of activity eligible for funding from The Wood Foundation.
Global Learning Partnership (GLP)
GLP has empowered more than 100 leaders of Learning for Sustainability since it launched in 2012. Education practitioners undertake immersive professional learning, including a month spent in Uganda and Rwanda sustainably upskilling local educators. This programme is currently on hold due to Covid-19.
For more information visit

The Wood Foundation is also a proud investor in the following programmes:
STV Children’s Appeal
The Wood Foundation has committed £1.35m to the work of the STV Children’s Appeal over a period of nine years and Sir Ian Wood sits on the board of trustees. The Wood Foundation’s funds support the Appeal’s partner charities who are addressing the root causes of inequity, as well as providing immediate support to those facing poverty.

Northsound Cash for Kids, Mission Christmas
The Wood Foundation has been the principal sponsor of the Mission Christmas appeal in the North-east for eight years. Its investment, in the region of £100,000, has covered the operational costs of the appeal, ensuring that every pound donated reaches young people in need.